Reservation system for
workshops and project rooms (Svensk version)
First, a few important things to keep in mind:
· Students on fifth or third year and the 4 students in fourth year who have exhibition this fall take precedence and
these students have the right to book 1 week in advance
· Everyone else has the right to book 48
hours in advance, please respect this
· You must always book a seat, no matter how
quick your visit will be.
· Cancel if you don't need your place
· If you need supervision, you book it with
the workshop teachers directly, this system is only for booking physical space
· Administrator can delete bookings if rules
are not followed
· If you have the special reasons to book a
place more than 1 week in advance, you can contact Fredrik Reuterswärd
Go to the booking, below is a brief introduction
· When you enter the booking system you see today's
date in the middle, below is a drop-down list of the different workshops, here
you choose which workshop you want to book or see which other bookings are made
· Depending on the number of seats in the
workshop, there are one or more columns, each of which can be booked, for example, sculpture has 6 seats
while the sound studio has only one
· To make a booking you need to log in, in
the upper right corner you will find "Log in", you log in with the
same username and password as to the mailsystem
· Choose the workshop you want to book,
browse to the day you want to book and click on the time you want to start,
fill in your name and make sure that the start and stop times are correct and
that you book the right workshop / place, then save. You will receive an email
with a calendar booking as confirmation and your booking is now visible in the
Change or delete your booking:
· Find your booking and click on it
· Now you have the option to edit or delete
your booking